Niu Niu Honghong and Donghonghong queuing up to buy tickets 3 days ended in failure, the planned travel can only be canceled, no choice of the summer at home.
"Well living in the heart of the great motherland, a bit difficult to buy tickets is normal, the next time I started my ticket to another relationship, the absolute votes than the arrangements have effect", looking bored Donghonghong Niu, Niu Honghong comfort to: "This is not my own experience, and I heard the two sub-pig hum and Ma Pipi also lost men in the transport sector, if you are pleasant for holiday boredom, you can find the roots to go Well they hum Niu, Small ticket to come shopping with her husband claims! "
One to the spirit of these words Donghonghong Niu, a kiss after a few hurried phone itself against a good sister went to the streets, leaving Niuhong Hong jealously guarding its availability at home, bored online. Think of large and small sites which have stopped updating, turned several outdated information, the Niuhong Hong Ma Pipi received the phone, said to be looking for Niuhong Hong drink and chat.
Niuhong Hong Ma Pipi came downstairs, far from the floor to see under the shade of a familiar figure 2, is none other than Ma Pipi and pigs hum, the two are a man who is presumably鏄繖婕极闀垮亣璁╀袱浜烘唻鐨勯毦鍙楀惂銆?br />
銆??鈥滃挶浠竟鍠濊竟鑱婏紒鈥?br />
銆??鈥滃搱鍝堝搱鍝堬紝绗戞鎴戜簡鈥濈墰鍝勫搫涓?彛閰掑柗浜嗙尓鍝煎摷涓?劯锛屾湜鐫?笉瑙g殑浜屼汉锛岀墰鍝勫搫杈圭瑧杈硅锛氣?浣犱滑淇╂妸鐢垫睜鏀惧ソ灏卞畬浜嗭紝鍙互鎻掔潃鐢垫簮涓婄綉鍟婏紝鏄笉鏄渶杩戝ぉ姘旂獊鐒惰浆鍑変綘淇╂劅鍐掑彂鐑х儳绯婃秱浜嗭紒鈥?br />
... ...
銆??鈥滄妧鏈笉鍒颁綅锛熶綘浠咯鏈?繎纭疄闇?澶氭椿鍔ㄦ椿鍔ㄨ剳瀛愪簡锛屼笅涓嬭薄妫嬫尯濂斤紝浣犱滑璇寸幇鍦ㄩ兘鏈夊嚑涓搧鐗岀殑绗旇鏈垎鐐告垨鑰呰嚜鐕冧簡鍚с?鈥?br />
銆??鈥滆繖鍙笉鏄椿瑙侀锛岃繕璁颁笉璁板緱鍑犲勾鍓嶆祦浼犺繃杩欎箞涓?釜璇存硶鈥樻棩鏈汉鏄竴绛変骇鍝侀攢鏈浗锛屼簩绾т骇鍝佸崠娆х編锛屼笁绾т骇鍝佸幓鍏跺畠鈥欙紝瑕佹垜鐪嬶紝鎭愭?杩欐墠鏄疭ONY鑷繁浣跨敤鑷繁鐢垫睜瀹夌劧鏃犳仚鐨勬渶澶у師鍥狅紝濡傛灉鍏朵娇鐢ㄧ殑鐢垫睜鍝佽川璺熼偅鍥涗釜鍝佺墝涓?牱锛屾兂涓嶇偢閮介毦锛岄毦閬揝ONY缁欒嚜宸辩殑绗旇鏈浜嗘斁鐖嗚缃笉鎴愶紵鈥?br />
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