Monday, October 25, 2010

"Torch Light," added the official figures point skill tree simulator

Many players may be the "torch light" skill tree how additional points may also worry, fear of a mistake the skill points and training waste a character, the following is the official launch of the skill tree plus point simulator, to demonstrate additional point of the skills increase effectiveness, today released the official website only soldier skill tree simulator plus point, it is estimated will be behind the archers have to do with the Master out.

Here is a look at the plus points first, the effect of simulator it:

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

ABC classification of goods

In manufacturing goods is often based on the value and importance of the ABC classification of the items used to manage. When a business use to a lot of items, the item classification is an effective management approach, for example, inventory checks can focus on objects and ignore A Class C Class items; in the analysis of safety stock setting of a reasonable, A first assessment should be re-assessed categories of articles last C class items.

1. ABC classification of the general approach

The most basic classification is based on the current inventory to calculate the amount and classification of inventory table, for example, if the business principles set ABC Category: 75,15,10, that is, 75% of the value of the inventory items belongs to A class, 15% of the value of the items belong to B, 10% of the value of the items belong to C class. Based on these basic information, you can follow these steps to carry out calculation and classification:

銆??[1]灏嗘墍鏈夌殑鐗╁搧鎸夊叾閲戦浠庡ぇ鍒板皬鎺掑簭;[2]璁$畻姣忎竴涓墿鍝佺殑浠峰?鍗犲叏閮ㄤ环鍊肩殑姣斾緥锛屽苟璁$畻鍑虹疮璁′环鍊兼瘮渚?[3]鏍规嵁宸茬粡纭畾鐨凙BC鍒嗙被鍘熷垯锛屽姣旀瘡涓?鐗╁搧鐨勭疮璁′环鍊兼瘮渚嬬‘瀹氬叾鎵?睘鍒嗙被銆?br />
銆??涓嶅悓鐨勪紒涓氬彲浠ラ噰鐢ㄤ笉鍚岀殑鏂规硶锛屾寜鐓т笉鍚屾柟娉曡绠楀嚭鏉ョ殑缁撴灉涔熶笉涓?牱銆備笂杩拌绠楄繃绋嬪彧鏄繘琛孉BC鍒嗙被鐨勬柟娉曚箣涓?紝杩欑鏂规硶鏄渶绠?崟鐨勪竴涓垎绫绘柟娉曪紝鍥犱负搴撳瓨淇℃伅鐩稿鏉ヨ鏄瘮杈冨鏄撹幏寰楃殑涔熸槸姣旇緝鍑嗙‘鐨勩?浣嗘槸锛屽亣濡傝涓?釜浼佷笟鐨勭墿鍝佹秷鑰楅潪甯镐笉鍧囧寑锛岀粡甯镐細鐢ㄥ埌寰堝鏂扮殑鐗╁搧锛岃?涓?簺鑰佺殑鐗╁搧鍥犱负涓嶅啀闇?浜嗕細鎴愪负搴撳瓨鍛嗘粸鍝侊紝鍦ㄨ繖绉嶆儏鍐典笅锛岀敤搴撳瓨缁撳瓨棰濇潵浣滀负ABC鍒嗙被璁$畻鐨勪緷鎹氨鏄惧緱涓嶅お鍚堥?锛岄偅涔堟垜浠彲浠ラ噰鍙︿竴绉嶆柟寮忋?涓嬮潰鎴戜滑瀵瑰嚑涓笉鍚岀殑鏂规硶杩涜鍒嗘瀽锛?br />
銆??浠ュ墠闈竴娈垫椂闂村唴鐨勬秷鑰楅噾棰濅綔涓鸿绠椾緷鎹?br />



銆??浠ヤ粖鍚庝竴娈垫椂闂村唴鐨勯渶瑕佹秷鑰楅噾棰濅綔涓鸿绠椾緷鎹?br />
銆??杩欑鏂规硶涓嶆槸鐪嬬幇鍦ㄥ簱瀛樻儏鍐垫?鏍凤紝涔熶笉鏄湅杩囧幓娑堣?鐨勬儏鍐垫?鏍凤紝鑰屾槸鍏虫敞浠婂悗鐨勯渶姹傚浣曘?璁$畻鏂规硶锛氫互鐗╁搧浠婂悗涓?鏃堕棿闇?娑堣?鐨勯噾棰?褰撴湀缁撲綑浠锋牸X浠婂悗涓?鏃堕棿鍐呴渶瑕佹秷鑰楃殑鏁伴噺)涓鸿绠椾緷鎹紝鐒跺悗鏍规嵁鍚勯」鐗╁搧鎵?崰閲戦姣斾緥鏉ョ‘瀹氬叾ABC鍒嗙被銆?br />
銆??2. 浼佷笟鍦ㄥ仛ABC鍒嗙被鏃惰娉ㄦ剰浠?箞

銆??浠ヤ笂鍒楀嚭浜嗗嚑涓绠桝BC鍒嗙被鐨勬柟娉曪紝涓嶅悓鏂规硶浼氬鑷翠笉鍚岀殑缁撴灉锛岃繖鏄甯哥殑涔熸槸姝g‘鐨勩?鍒堕?浼佷笟鐨勬儏鍐靛悇涓嶇浉鍚岋紝绠$悊鐨勯渶姹備篃涓嶅敖鐩稿悓銆傛湁浜涗紒涓氬叧娉ㄦ寜鐓ц繃鍘荤殑娑堣?淇℃伅鏉ュ偍澶囩墿鏂欙紝涔熸湁浜涗紒涓氭洿鍏虫敞瀹㈡埛瀹氬崟瀵圭墿鏂欑殑鐩存帴闇?眰鎷夊姩锛屽湪涓嶅悓鐨勬儏鍐碉紝浼佷笟鍙互纭畾鏈?悎閫傝嚜宸辩殑ABC璁$畻鏂规硶銆傚悓鏃讹紝浼佷笟鍦ㄥ仛ABC鍒嗙被鏃惰娉ㄦ剰浠ヤ笅鍑犵偣锛?br />
銆??鍚堢悊纭畾ABC鍒嗙被鐨勫悇鑷瘮渚?br />
銆??鏈変簺浼佷笟鎶夾BC鐨勬瘮渚嬪畾涓猴細80銆?5銆?锛屼篃鏈変紒涓氬畾涓猴細70銆?0銆?0銆傛垜浠姣斾緥鍙槸涓?釜鈥滄爣灏衡?锛屾槸瑕佹牴鎹渶姹傚拰鐩爣鑰屽畾鐨勩?鐢氳嚦涔熸湁浼佷笟涓嶅崟鍗曟槸鍒掑垎浜咥BC涓夌被锛岃?浣跨敤浜咥BCD鍥涚被锛岃繖浜涢兘鏄彲浠ョ殑銆傛墍璋揂BC鍒嗙被锛屽彧鏄彁渚涗簡涓?鏂规硶锛屽苟涓嶅眬闄愪簬鍙湁ABC涓夌被銆?br />
銆??纭畾ABC鍒嗙被鏃剁殑鍏抽敭渚濇嵁鏄粈涔?br />

銆??杩樿纭畾ABC鍒嗙被鐨勬湁鏁堟湡闄?br />
銆??浼佷笟鍦ㄦ瘡澶╃殑杩愯杩囩▼涓紝浼氫笉鏂湴浜х敓鍚勭淇℃伅骞惰冻浠ュ奖鍝嶅埌ABC鐨勫垎绫荤粨鏋滐紝濡傚簱瀛樻敹鍙戝瓨鐨勬暟鎹竴鐩村湪鍙戠敓鍙樺寲锛岃鍒掗渶姹備俊鎭篃鍦ㄤ笉鏂彂鐢熷彉鍖栵紝鎴戜滑鍙互杩欎箞璇达細鍦ㄤ换浣曟椂鍊欏幓閲嶆柊杩愯ABC鍒嗙被鐨勮绠楄繃绋嬶紝浜х敓鐨勫垎绫荤粨鏋滀竴瀹氬拰涓婁竴娆℃槸涓嶅悓鐨勶紝鍦ㄨ繖绉嶆儏鍐典笅锛屾垜浠氨闇?浣緼BC鍒嗙被淇濇寔閫傚綋鐨勭ǔ瀹氾紝瑕佺‘瀹氶噸鏂拌绠楃殑鍛ㄦ湡銆?br />
銆??3. ABC鍒嗙被鐨勪綔鐢?br />
銆??ABC鍒嗙被鏄妸浼佷笟鐨勭墿鍝佹寜鐓т环鍊煎強閲嶈鎬ц繘琛屼簡褰掔被锛屽湪鐗╁搧绠$悊涓婃湁鎵?晶閲嶏紝渚嬪锛?br />
銆??濡傛灉瑕侀檷浣庢垚鏈紝灏卞敖鍙兘鍘嬬缉A绫荤墿鍝佺殑鎴愭湰鎴栭噰璐环锛屽苟鎯冲姙娉曞噺灏慉绫荤墿鍝佺殑鎹熻?鐜?br />


銆??A绫荤墿鍝佷笉鏄崟浠烽珮灏辨槸鏁伴噺锛屾墍浠ユ?閲戦鎵嶄細楂橈紝鍥犳瑕佸帇缂╁簱瀛樿祫閲戠殑杈冨ソ鍔炴硶灏辨槸鍘诲帇缂〢绫荤墿鍝佺殑鎴愭湰銆侀噰璐环鍙婂簱瀛橀噺锛岃繖鏄鏄撹鏁堢殑涓?釜閫斿緞銆?br />
銆??濡傛灉瑕佷娇搴撳瓨璁拌浇鍑嗙‘锛岄偅涔堝氨鍙互閲囩敤寰幆鐩樼偣鐨勭瓥鐣ュ苟浣緼绫荤墿鍝佸緱鍒伴珮棰戠巼鐨勭洏鐐?br />

銆??濡傛灉瑕佽?铏戜緵搴斿畨鍏ㄣ?鑰冭檻浜ц兘绋冲畾鏃讹紝涔熻灏藉彲鑳藉厛鍏虫敞A绫荤墿鍝?br />
銆??鍦ㄤ緵搴斿畨鍏ㄦ?鏂归潰锛屽涓?簺鐗╁搧鐨勪緵搴斿彲閲囧彇涓?簺棰勯槻鎬х殑鎺柦銆傛墍浠ヤ紒涓氫竴鑸鑰冭檻A绫荤墿鍝侊紝灏藉彲鑳紸绫荤墿鍝佸幓鍒跺畾涓?簺纭繚渚涘簲瀹夊叏鐨勯闃叉?鎺柦銆?br />
銆??ABC鍒嗙被鏄竴涓瓥鐣ワ紝鍏跺叧閿偣灏辨槸鐢ˋBC鏉ヨ〃绀轰笉鍚岀墿鍝佺殑涓嶅悓閲嶈鎬э紝浠ヤ究浼佷笟鏇存湁閽堝鎬у湴杩涜绠$悊銆?br />


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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Niuhong Hong: the explosion of crack SONY battery fans

Niu Niu Honghong and Donghonghong queuing up to buy tickets 3 days ended in failure, the planned travel can only be canceled, no choice of the summer at home.

"Well living in the heart of the great motherland, a bit difficult to buy tickets is normal, the next time I started my ticket to another relationship, the absolute votes than the arrangements have effect", looking bored Donghonghong Niu, Niu Honghong comfort to: "This is not my own experience, and I heard the two sub-pig hum and Ma Pipi also lost men in the transport sector, if you are pleasant for holiday boredom, you can find the roots to go Well they hum Niu, Small ticket to come shopping with her husband claims! "

One to the spirit of these words Donghonghong Niu, a kiss after a few hurried phone itself against a good sister went to the streets, leaving Niuhong Hong jealously guarding its availability at home, bored online. Think of large and small sites which have stopped updating, turned several outdated information, the Niuhong Hong Ma Pipi received the phone, said to be looking for Niuhong Hong drink and chat.

Niuhong Hong Ma Pipi came downstairs, far from the floor to see under the shade of a familiar figure 2, is none other than Ma Pipi and pigs hum, the two are a man who is presumably鏄繖婕极闀垮亣璁╀袱浜烘唻鐨勯毦鍙楀惂銆?br />


銆??鈥滃挶浠竟鍠濊竟鑱婏紒鈥?br />

銆??鈥滃搱鍝堝搱鍝堬紝绗戞鎴戜簡鈥濈墰鍝勫搫涓?彛閰掑柗浜嗙尓鍝煎摷涓?劯锛屾湜鐫?笉瑙g殑浜屼汉锛岀墰鍝勫搫杈圭瑧杈硅锛氣?浣犱滑淇╂妸鐢垫睜鏀惧ソ灏卞畬浜嗭紝鍙互鎻掔潃鐢垫簮涓婄綉鍟婏紝鏄笉鏄渶杩戝ぉ姘旂獊鐒惰浆鍑変綘淇╂劅鍐掑彂鐑х儳绯婃秱浜嗭紒鈥?br />
... ...


銆??鈥滄妧鏈笉鍒颁綅锛熶綘浠咯鏈?繎纭疄闇?澶氭椿鍔ㄦ椿鍔ㄨ剳瀛愪簡锛屼笅涓嬭薄妫嬫尯濂斤紝浣犱滑璇寸幇鍦ㄩ兘鏈夊嚑涓搧鐗岀殑绗旇鏈垎鐐告垨鑰呰嚜鐕冧簡鍚с?鈥?br />



銆??鈥滆繖鍙笉鏄椿瑙侀锛岃繕璁颁笉璁板緱鍑犲勾鍓嶆祦浼犺繃杩欎箞涓?釜璇存硶鈥樻棩鏈汉鏄竴绛変骇鍝侀攢鏈浗锛屼簩绾т骇鍝佸崠娆х編锛屼笁绾т骇鍝佸幓鍏跺畠鈥欙紝瑕佹垜鐪嬶紝鎭愭?杩欐墠鏄疭ONY鑷繁浣跨敤鑷繁鐢垫睜瀹夌劧鏃犳仚鐨勬渶澶у師鍥狅紝濡傛灉鍏朵娇鐢ㄧ殑鐢垫睜鍝佽川璺熼偅鍥涗釜鍝佺墝涓?牱锛屾兂涓嶇偢閮介毦锛岄毦閬揝ONY缁欒嚜宸辩殑绗旇鏈浜嗘斁鐖嗚缃笉鎴愶紵鈥?br />


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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Vigilance "wind Downloader" Summer lift vitality and

June 22, Duba Cloud Security Center released weeks (6.22-6.28) virus warning, with the entrance end of the holidays approaching and students, student groups on the university Web site, travel site traffic surge, be careful, "wind Downloader "Summer evil.

Li Tiejun description Kingsoft Anti-virus experts, users, once infected, "wind downloader", privacy and property are at great risk, due to "wind Downloader" can continue to download other viruses, to the users "do not kill net "of infinite trouble.

Kingsoft Internet "cloud security" system monitoring data, into June, the "wind Downloader" pose a serious threat to many users and nearly 300,000 units times the infectious single-day traffic ranking won the first infection. If it successfully into the computer, it will release in the system tray downloader file, and make it run, download the large number of malicious programs to your computer.

With the end of college entrance examination and students holidays approaching, student groups on the university Web site, travel web site traffic surge, while online games fun time also increased, the virus group took the opportunity to attack these sites and implement hanging horse. Li Tiejun said that "wind Downloader" The current trend of rampant spread mainly through the pages linked to horses. According to the latest broadcast Kingsoft Duba hang horse (, has more than 70 national groups, college websites have been linked to horse virus attacks, Peking University, People's Congress, North teacher, Alexander and other well-known institutions were linked to horse groups and the teachers and students to students, parents and significant threat to Internet security.

In order to prevent "wind downloader" trojan attacks, anti-virus experts suggest that users log free download with "Cloud security" system, Kingsoft Internet Security 2009, and use the "network shield" to hang horse intercept.

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